This is the german version of 'Wumpus Old Radio World". Since 2012 the old web site (online since 1996) will not be updatet anymore. It is too much effort (lack of time) with the translation of more than 1300 pages! Sorry. On the old site you find many information in English!
Small consulation: Here the translation of the menu structure of this site in English.
You'll find here an huge Online-Museum of vintage and modern radio sets and more, but only in German. There are stored approx 1000 exponats and more, all including with technical data and photos. Click on top of this page on 'Geräte':
Online museum:
Legend (translation) of the online museum menu topics :
Roehrenradios = tube radio sets
- 1944
1945 - 1960
1961 -
Transistorradios = transistor radio sets
- 1964
1965 - 1985
1986 -
Detektoren = crystal sets
Tonband / Audio = tape recordes / audio and phono and microphones, record players and so on.
Fernsehen / Video = tv sets / video recorders
Multimedia = multi media
Spass-Radios = Novelty radio sets
Messen = measuring instruments
Zubehör / Bauteile = devices / equipment / spare parts
Amateurfunk = Ham Radio
Diverses = Various
No set is for sale!
.... and more:
Translation Guide of English and German words relating to radio technology:
.... more:
The hugest list worldwide of tube testers?:
I will try to answer questions pertaining to German radio sets or German wireless. You can send me an email to:
Rainer Steinfuehr, Feldstr. 9, 13585 Berlin, Germany. email:
2013/04/24 ....... 2016/08/08
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