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Empfangsbericht vom LW-Zweikreiser

Reception report of my double tuned long wave crystal receiver

Location: Berlin, Germany. Antenna lenght 25 meters (75 feet), 6 meters (19 feet) above ground.  

12 logged stations.

Frequency KHz Station name Country Distance in km and (miles), power
153 - - -
162 - - -
171 - - -
177 DLR Germany, Zehlendorf near Berlin 24 (15), 500 kW
180 - - -
183 - - -
189 - - -
198 Radio Bis Poland 200 kW
207 DLF Germany, Aholming 428 (701), 500 kW
216 (only with version 2) Radio Monte Carlo France 1111 (690). 1400 kW
225 PR1 Poland 333 (206), 1200kW
234 (odx version 3) Radio 1? Armenia 2750 (1708), 500 kW
243 Denmarks Radio Denmark, Kalundborg 382 (237), 300 kW
552 (odx version 2) Radio Alger International Algeria 2000 (1242), 1500 kW
522 (only with version 2) RTE Radio 1 Ireland 1360 (844), 500 kW
261 (odx version 1) Radio Rossii Russia, Moscow Taldorn 1626 (1009), 2500 kW
270 Cesky Rozhlas Czech. 484 (300), 750 kW
279 Belaruskaye Radio 1 Byelorussia 1100 (683), 500 kW


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